The Stained-glass Window at St. Paul's
The stained-glass window adds to our worship and presents some symbols common to our Christian heritage. First and most obvious is the stained-glass cross, but in all, there are twelve crosses or points where the frames cross together counting the center cross. This represents the twelve apostles.
Two of the three main crosses are thicker and rise from floor to ceiling, and the third cross is thinner and shorter. One is the thief saved and the other is the thief that was lost. The horizontal piece is longer as if to reach out to the lost one much like the grace of God reaches out to all, or the Shepherd going out to save one lost sheep. On the center stained-glass cross, the horizontal piece is uneven; much like we are uneven by sin, and Christ is here to level things out again by His love for us. At the center of the cross, the yellow panel could be where the head of Christ was present or the crown of thorns rested. The red panels indicate the blood of Christ flowing downward but end up in panels of green and yellows representing life and joy! Our life is connected in communion with Christ our Savior by His body and blood. There are a few darker panels on each lower side of the window to remind us of the tumult around us, the suffering we know or temptations we encounter in our daily life. In spite of the darkest threats, our eyes scan upwards where we see some blue sky around the center of the Cross. Much like heaven, we may not see things clearly, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will see Him as He is!
(Taken from “Stewardship Temple Talk” by Bob Larson)